Possible Role of the Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels in Memory Consolidation during Slow-Wave Sleep

Document Type : Hypothesis


1 Neuroscience research center, Neuropharmacology institute, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

2 Neuroscience Research Center, Neuropharmacology institute, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran


Over more than a century of research has demonstrated that sleep is necessary for the retention of memory. The current review aim to discuss the functional brain network connectivity is important during slow-wave sleep (SWS) for memory consolidation. While several evidences indicated the importance of SWS for memory consolidation but information to understand the main mechanisms of it are not enough.  Although there is the likely involvement of various factors in this phenomenon, we hypothesize the key role of Ih current arising memory consolidation during SWS by generation of neuronal oscillations. Finding the possible mechanism involving in this process may provide lights to suggesting new treatments against memory impairments. 


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